What is the purpose of the fund drive?
We are raising $100,000 to promote revolution. Why? Because the outrages, cruelties and horrors of this system are both unnecessary to humanity and they are built into this system. This madness can only be ended by an actual revolution. By that, we mean an overthrow of the current system and the bringing into being of a totally new economic and political system, and new ways of relating to each other. The good news is that there is a real chance for that revolution now, and there is leadership for that revolution, in Bob Avakian (BA) and the revcoms who follow him. The fund drive is most of all to promote that urgently needed revolutionary alternative and to get that leadership much better known throughout society.
What is the immediate project I am supporting?
The main project of this fund drive is to get the recent interviews with BA—Up Close and Personal with Bob Avakian, Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution—out there to many more people and into society overall. These interviews are a great way to spread the word about this revolution and to draw new people into it. But people don’t know about the interviews, and we need the money to advertise them in many different ways and to get word of them to many different kinds of people. Everyone who can’t stand oppression, who refuses to put up with it, and who hungers for something different needs to hear these interviews. This includes the people who suffer terribly under this system, as well as the people who could be won to seeing that there is a way out of the terrible forms of oppression and injustice that they just can’t live with.
In these interviews, BA tells people what they need to hear about this revolution—why it’s needed, what it’s all about, what it’s aiming for and how these times contain the real possibility of making revolution. And he does it with a passion for emancipation and a real sense of humor, with science and a tremendous humanity and morality. You get to know this leader in a for-real kind of way.
At the same time, this fund drive also supports The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on YouTube. It supports the revcom.us website. And it supports the efforts of the National Revolution Tour (focused now in Los Angeles) to dynamically spread the word (including through debate and discussion), and to organize people and stand up and fight the power—all to prepare for revolution.
How do I participate in this?
By generously giving funds yourself and by going to and involving others in giving funds. The first is very important, and if that’s what you feel comfortable with now, then do that—and as you learn more, you can do more.
A few things we can say if you are brand new to this: Judging from the beginning of this drive, we can see that a) there are many people who may not have heard of Bob Avakian but are quite intrigued by and drawn to what they do see and hear once they watch these interviews, b) that these people are often not the people who present themselves as being “politically active,” and c) more than a few people will donate to and often find ways to draw others into this fund drive.
This can include a lot of things. You can go to the many people you know whom you may not have talked with about this (go here to hear a doctor talk about his experience). Like the doctor in the clip, you may be surprised by the open and positive response of people you had thought were not “political.” You can go to many people you don’t even know with projects like selling pre-made dinners that a bunch of supporters of the revolution pitch in to make. In one case, a friendly restaurant owner helped out with 100 tamales to raise money! Some people with skills can sell beautiful crafts for the revolution. Or you can donate a meaningful amount and write a statement, then challenge other people to do likewise. You can donate $10 and go to nine other people to donate $10 each. Or you can just plain play the interviews for people and then both talk about the interviews and ask for a donation. And in every case, you should get people’s ideas on how to spread it.
Here’s an important point: Many people are in despair about things and want a way to act that is meaningful. But they don’t know there IS a way, a way to make a REAL change. And they don’t always say that’s how they’re feeling. But when you approach people with these interviews, it can make a difference.
What if people tell me they’re giving to something else?
Ask them if what they’re giving to will really make a fundamental difference, or are they putting their money behind reforming a system that cannot be reformed in any meaningful way. As the leaflet from the revcoms puts it: “What could be more important than to donate to a movement for revolution which aims to bring about a whole new world without exploitation or oppression of any kind?” Then struggle with them to really watch the video of BA before they make up their mind. If someone has a real way out—and Bob Avakian does—it is unconscionable to not even listen.
What if people say that they can’t spare the money?
There are people who are desperately impoverished who nevertheless find ways to give and, even more, find the ways to go to others to give. There’s a way for everyone to contribute! Let’s put our heads together and figure it out.
What about people who say that “this is a cult”?
Rather than give an argument, some people will raise the idea that “they heard this is a cult.” As a recent article on Revcom put it:
Now, when you go out and spread the word about this, you’re going to find that some people respond well and love these interviews and love BA, and some people run a bunch of bullshit and hate BA... and in both cases, it’s for the same simple reason: because BA is about everything you just saw in this interview, about completely breaking out of the confines and framework of the way the world is today and radically, fundamentally changing the world through making revolution... he’s about the emancipation not of one identity group, but all of humanity... and some people love this and are attracted by that vision, and some people hate it and feel threatened by it... It’s really as simple as that.
So yeah, besides encountering people who are excited about these interviews and about BA, you’re going to run into people who hate this, who make snarky comments or personal attacks on BA or who say this is a cult. And that’s where you have to have some honesty, courage and integrity to think for yourself. You might have a bunch of questions, but you know those kind of nasty attacks are bullshit and have nothing to do with changing the world. You just saw these interviews [or a portion of it] yourself. Did this seem like a cult leader to you?!?! Did this seem like a robotic, dogmatic person who is trying to brainwash you? Or did it seem like a deeply scientific person, critical thinker and flat-out nice person with a strong sense of humor who has dedicated his whole life for decades to taking up big, complex questions as part of making revolution and transforming the entire world? Anybody who watches this interview honestly and is not completely steeped in prejudice knows it’s the second one. So you need to have the honesty and courage to tell the haters that they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about and that they’re spreading lies and poison that have nothing to do with changing the world and that you’re not fooled by them... and then come back and talk to us about the shit you ran into and we can get more into it.
What is the importance of the upcoming fundraising livestream on February 19?
We’ve already raised over $60,000 of our goal of $100,000. We need to raise as much as we can over the next few weeks and then “take it over the top” at the livestream. So coming to the livestream is a way to be part of the struggle to carry this all the way through to victory.
We should see the time leading to February 19 as a chance to win many new people to not only donate, but to tune in to the livestream as well. Many who’ve already donated get inspired to donate more or to reach out to others on the spot or to send in a statement on why they donated that calls on others to also donate. They do it because they get to know the revolution better through the livestream—what it’s about… the future society we’re aiming for… and some of the people who are in it. It’s a time when the developing movement and growing community around the vision and strategy of the new communism forged by BA comes together to learn from each other. And, it’s a time to “build muscles” of working together for the great challenges ahead of us.