Photo: Aurora Roja
Ground Floor, next to the stairs in the back
February 22 – March 4, 2024
International Book Fair-Palacio de Minería
Tacuba 5, Centro, Mexico City
Presentation of the book
La esperanza revolucionaria [Revolutionary Hope]
by the Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico
4:00-4:45 pm, Sunday, March 3
Salón de la Academia de los Ingenieros
Speaker: Ángel Sandoval, Movimiento Revolución
Moderator; Jorge Antonio Montemayor
Researcher, Instituto de Física, UNAM

Photo; Aurora Roja
Also: Revolutionary books, pamphlets y videos on the new communism, genocide in Gaza, liberation of women, environmental emergency, science, and much more
Download the pdf of the flyer in Spanish: VolanteFILPM2024