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Articles on the Socialist Experience


Overview on Socialism and Communism

Revolutionary China (1949-1976)

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of China (1966-1976)

Socialism and Ending Women’s Oppression

The Environment and Socialism

Art & Culture in Socialist Society

Healthcare & Education in Revolutionary China

Socialism in the Soviet Union (1917-1956)

History of Socialism

Political Economy of Socialism

Modern Revisionism & Phony Communism

Current China (Under Capitalist Rule)


Overview on Socialism and Communism:

Refuting the Biggest Lies Against Communism:

Trafficking in Lies, Demagoguery, and War Mongering—Timothy Snyder is a Vicious Anti-Communist Ideologue... And Shameless Apologist for the U.S. Empire: A Challenge to Debate from Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 11/7/2023

Fascists and Communists: Completely Opposed and Worlds Apart, by Bob Avakian, Revolution, 7/22/2019

Refuting the Biggest Lies Against Communism: IntroductionRevolution, 10/23/2017

LIE #1: Human nature undermines and invalidates the aims of communism, no matter how noble are its principles, or how sincere are the intentions of its advocates. Read more

LIE #2: Because Socialism-Communism Goes Against Human Nature, It Resorts to State Violence and Mass Killing to Enforce Its Ideals. Read more

LIE #3: The 1917 October Revolution in Russia was a “coup” staged by Lenin and the communist Bolshevik Party. They were power hungry and grabbed power for themselves. Read more

Lie #4: Communism is a form of totalitarianism. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin sought to impose total domination over society—through repression that invaded every aspect of society and individual life, and mind-manipulative ideology. Read more

Pop Quiz

Everything You’ve Been Told about Communism IS WRONG. CAPITALISM IS A FAILURE, COMMUNIST REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION, Revolution, 8/28/2023

Bob Avakian’s New Synthesis on the History of Socialism in the 20th century

REVOLUTION: MAJOR TURNING POINTS AND RARE OPPORTUNITIES. Or... Why did Lenin talk about World War 1 as a “stage manager” of revolution?... And why did Mao say, We should thank Japan for invading China? by Bob Avakian, Revolution, 7/10/2023


No Wonder They Slander Communism, by Bob Avakian, Revolution, 11/18/2013

Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal), by Bob Avakian, October 2010

On Communism, Leadership, Stalin, and the Experience of Socialist Society, Bob Avakian interviewed on The Michael Slate Show, 2005, Revolution, June 2009

Dictatorship and Democracy, and the Socialist Transition to Communism, by Bob Avakian, Fall 1990

The End of a Stage—The Beginning of a New Stage, Mao More Than Ever! by Bob Avakian (PDF), Fall 1990

Advancing the World Revolutionary Movement: Questions of Strategic Orientation, by Bob Avakian, Spring 1984

On Proletarian Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship—A Radically Different View of Leading Society, excerpts from “Getting Over the Two Great Humps: Further Thoughts on Conquering the World,” by Bob Avakian

Conquer the World? The International Proletariat Must and Will, by Bob Avakian, September 1981

Revolutionary China (1949-1976):

Against the Anti-Communist Brainwash... Part 1. Socialist China’s Great Leap Forward of 1958-60: What It Was Actually About, Why It Is Attacked, and the Actual Causes of Famine, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 10/9/2023

Against the Anti-Communist Brainwash... Part 2. Continuation and Conclusion, Revolution, 10/23/2023

American Crime Case #49: 1950-53—Encircling, Threatening and Attacking the Chinese Revolution, Revolution, 1/1/2018

The TRUE Story of Mao Tsetung and the Communist Revolution in China, by Li Onesto with a Revolution Writers Group
Part 1Revolution, 8/17/2008
Part 2Revolution, 8/24/2008

Social and Economic Achievements Under Mao, Fact Sheet, Revolutionary Worker, 8/8/2004

Mao Tsetung: The Art of War
Part 1: Luring the Enemy in Deep, Revolutionary Worker, 11/14/1999
Part 2: The War Against Japanese Aggression, Revolutionary Worker, 11/21/1999

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of China (1966-1976):

A Response to Pamela Paul's Knee-Jerk Denunciation of Mao’s Cultural Revolution... Or How Critical Thinking Is Deleted in “The Decade That Cannot Be Deleted”, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 5/22/2023

Six Ways They Try to Bamboozle You About the Cultural Revolution in China and One Big Reason You Need to Dig Deeper and Get the Truth, Revolution, 5/20/2016

“The Cultural Revolution: The Furthest Advance of Human Emancipation Yet,” Chapter 4 in the interview with Raymond Lotta, You Don’t Know What You Think You ‘Know’ About…The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future. Revolution, 11/23/2013

The Cultural Revolution in China... Art and Culture... Dissent and Ferment... and Carrying Forward the Revolution Toward Communism, interview with Bob Avakian on The Michael Slate Show, 2005, Revolution, 2/19/2012, audio at KPFK-LA, Michael Slate

Alain Badiou’s ‘Politics of Emancipation,’ a Communism Locked within the Confines of a Bourgeois World,” by Raymond Lotta, Nayi Duniya, and K.J.A., see Ch. IV “Rereading the Cultural Revolution in Order to Bury the Cultural Revolution.” Demarcations: a Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic, Issue No. 1, Summer-Fall 2009

Dongping Han: The Unknown Cultural Revolution – Life and Change in a Chinese VillageRevolution, 8/30/2009
Q&A with Dongping Han, Revolution, 9/6/2009

Interview with Bai Di: Growing Up in Revolutionary ChinaRevolution, 4/12/2009

Check It Out: New Book – The Battle for China’s Past, by Mobo Gao, Revolution, 8/17/2008

We had a dream that the world can be better than today,” interview with Wang Zheng, author of Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao EraRevolution, 9/3/2006

Yang Ban Xi: Model Revolutionary Works in Revolutionary China, by Li Onesto, Revolution, 6/18/2006

The Truth About the Cultural Revolution: Fact Sheet, Revolutionary Worker, 8/29/2004

The Red Guards: Hong Wei Bing – In 1966, millions of youth stormed the heavens during China's Cultural Revolution, Revolutionary Worker, 7/19/1998

Introduction: “Maoist Economics and the Future of Socialism,” from Marxist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook on Political Economy, by Raymond Lotta, 1994, (PDF)

Afterword: “The Theory and Practice of Maoist Planning: In Defense of a Viable and Visionary Socialism,” from Marxist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook on Political Economy, by Raymond Lotta, 1994 (PDF)

Socialism and Ending Women’s Oppression:

Interview with Bai Di: Growing Up in Revolutionary China, Revolution, 4/12/2009

Watching “The People’s Republic of Capitalism” and Remembering the Liberated Women of Socialist ChinaRevolution, 8/17/2008

We had a dream that the world can be better than today,” interview with Wang Zheng, author of Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao EraRevolution, 9/3/2006

The Experience of Socialism in the Soviet Union and China: Women’s Liberation on the Cutting Edge, Revolution, 3/12/2006

How Collective Childcare Liberated Women in Maoist China, by Li Onesto, Revolutionary Worker, 5/10/1998

The Environment and Socialism:

Some Key Principles of Socialist Sustainable DevelopmentRevolution, 4/18/2010

Capitalism, the Environment, and Ecology Under Socialism, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 6/25/2006

Art & Culture in Socialist Society:

The Cultural Revolution in China... Art and Culture... Dissent and Ferment... and Carrying Forward the Revolution Toward Communism, interview with Bob Avakian on The Michael Slate Show, 2005, Revolution, 2/19/2012, audio at KPFK-LA, Michael Slate

Yang Ban Xi: Model Revolutionary Works in Revolutionary China, by Li Onesto, Revolution, 6/18/2006

Writing for the Revolution: The Story of Lu Xun (1881-1936), Revolutionary Worker, 8/23/1998

Chiang Ching: A Revolutionary LifeRevolutionary Worker, 6/16/1991

Healthcare & Education in Revolutionary China:

Health Care Under Capitalism, Health Care Under SocialismRevolution, 10/11/2009

How Maoist Revolution Wiped Out Drug Addiction in China, by C. Clark Kissinger, Revolutionary Worker, 12/5/1993

The Barefoot Doctors of Rural China, documentary filmed primarily in 1975.

Socialism in the Soviet Union (1917-1956):

Russia Is NOT the Soviet Union: A Basic History, Revolution, 8/28/2022

Piercing the Lies, Digging Beneath the Surface: The Larger Dynamics of the World Imperialist System Driving the War in Ukraine... And a Lesson from When There Was a Genuinely Socialist Soviet Union, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 3/7/2022

1917—The Revolution Breaks Through in Russia, Chapter 3 from interview with Raymond Lotta, You Don’t Know What You Think You “Know” About…The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future, Revolution, 11/23/2013

Raymond Lotta replies to Keith Jamieson: On Communism, Stalin, and Historical AccuracyRevolution Online, 12/3/2009

On Communism, Leadership, Stalin, and the Experience of Socialist Society, Bob Avakian, interview on Michael Slate radio show, 2005, Revolution, 6/21/2009

The Outrageous Equating of Communism with NazismRevolution, 8/14/2005

Background for the Movie Enemy at the Gate: The Red Street Fighters of StalingradRevolutionary Worker, 4/15/2001

80th Anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution: How the Bolsheviks Seized Power
Part 1: The Bolsheviks Win the Masses, Revolutionary Worker, 11/9/1997
Part 2: Leninist Tactics: Triple Audacity and Relying on the Masses, Revolutionary Worker, 11/16/1997
Part 3: "To Delay Is Fatal", Revolutionary Worker, 11/23/1997
Part 4: The New Day Dawns, Revolutionary Worker, 11/30/1997

History of Socialism:

Story of the Red FlagRevolution, 5/21/2006

The Communist Manifesto Today: Still True, Still Dangerous, Still the Hope of the Hopeless, by Raymond Lotta
Part 1Revolutionary Worker, 5/24/1998
Part 2Revolutionary Worker, 5/31/1998

150th Anniversary: The Story of the Communist ManifestoRevolutionary Worker, 12/14/1997

The Origins of May First: Haymarket 1886 and the “Troublesome Element,” Revolutionary Worker, 4/14/1986

“The Line of the Comintern on the Civil War in Spain,” Revolution magazine, Issue 49, pp. 32-70, June 1981 (PDF)

Political Economy of Socialism:

Socialist Planning or “Market Socialism”? by Raymond Lotta, Revolutionary Worker, 9/15/2002

When the People Had Power: The Economic Miracles of Maoist China, by Raymond Lotta, Revolutionary Worker, 11/7/1999

Introduction: “Maoist Economics and the Future of Socialism,” from Marxist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook on Political Economy, by Raymond Lotta, 1994, (PDF)

Afterword: “The Theory and Practice of Maoist Planning: In Defense of a Viable and Visionary Socialism,” from Marxist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook on Political Economy, by Raymond Lotta, 1994 (PDF)

Modern Revisionism and Phony Communism:

Unraveling the Lies, Getting to the Truth: On The Death Of Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Leader of the Soviet UnionRevolution, 9/8/2022

Russia Is NOT the Soviet Union: A Basic History, Revolution, 3/28/2022

Cuban People Protest Increasing Hardships and Repression; U.S. Imperialist Vultures Smell Blood, Revolution, 7/26/2021

On the Death of Fidel Castro—Four Points of Orientation, Revolution, 11/27/2016

Re-Colonization in the Name of Normalization: Behind the Re-Establishment of U.S.-Cuba Diplomatic Relations, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 12/29/2014

North Korea Is Not a Socialist SocietyRevolution, 4/14/2013

Three Alternative Worlds, by Bob Avakian, Revolution, 7/1/2007

Hugo Chavez Has an Oil Strategy...But Can This Lead to Liberation? by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 7/1/2007

U.S. Imperialism, the Cuban Revolution, and Fidel Castro, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 8/13/2006

Current Capitalist-Imperialist China:

China’s Capitalist Development and China’s Rise in the World Imperialist System: Its Nature and Implications, Part 2 in Shifts and Faultlines in the World Economy and Great Power Rivalry: What Is Happening and What It Might Mean, by Raymond Lotta, Revolution, 7/27/2008

The Capitalist Ground Shaken by the Earthquake in China, by Li Onesto, Revolution, 6/1/2008

Slave Labor in Today’s Capitalist China: The Real Face of the “Chinese Miracle,” Revolution, 11/4/2007

Snail Fever in China: Scourges of Old Come Back to LifeRevolution, 6/19/2005

Workers Revolt in Capitalist ChinaRevolutionary Worker, 11/3/2002

Toy Story in China: If Barbie Could TalkRevolutionary Worker, 9/15/2002

China: AIDS and the epidemic of CapitalismRevolutionary Worker, 8/26/2001

The Demise of the Barefoot Doctors & the Health Crisis in China's CountrysideRevolutionary Worker, 3/25/2001

Women in China: Free Market SlaveryRevolutionary Worker, 4/11/1999

The End of Deng Xiaoping: Enemy of the People, Revolutionary Worker, 3/2/1997

The Tiananmen Events of 1989:
Tiananmen: It's Right to Rebel, Revolutionary Worker, 6/6/1999
The Tiananmen Square Rebellion: An Inside Story, The RW Interview, Revolutionary Worker, 6/6/1999
China, 1989: The Days of DefianceRevolutionary Worker, 6/6/1999
Revolution & Counter-Revolution in China, by Bob Avakian, Revolutionary Worker, 6/6/1999
Revolt in China: The Crisis of Revisionism, or Why Mao Tsetung Was Right, by Raymond Lotta, Revolutionary Worker, 5/28/1989

DONATE to the revolution.

From the genocide in Gaza, to the growing threat of world war between nuclear powers, to escalating environmental devastation… the capitalist-imperialist system ruling over us is a horror for billions around the world and is tearing up the fabric of life on earth. Now the all-out battle within the U.S. ruling class, between fascist Republicans and war criminal Democrats, is coming to a head—likely during, or before, the coming elections—ripping society apart unlike anything since the Civil War.

Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, has developed a strategy to prepare for and make revolution. He’s scientifically analyzed that this is a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible, and has laid out the sweeping vision, solid foundation and concrete blueprint for “what comes next,” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

The website follows and applies that leadership and is essential to all this. We post new materials from BA and curate his whole body of work. We apply the science he’s developed to analyze and expose every key event in society, every week. posts BA’s timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists), including his social media posts which break this down for people every week and sometimes more. We act as a guiding and connecting hub for the growing revcom movement nationwide: not just showing what’s being done, but going into what’s right and what’s wrong and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force.

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but goes up to a whole different level!

So what should you give to make 2024 our year—a year of revolution?
Everything you possibly can!
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  • Promotion of BA on social media and the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show
  • Strengthen as an accessible, secure, robust website able to rise to the challenge of meeting the extraordinary demands of navigating the storms and preparing for revolution in this pivotal, unprecedented year
  • Fund revcoms to travel to national “hotspots,” where extreme contradictions are pulling apart the fabric of this country and creating the possibility of wrenching an actual revolution out of this intensifying situation
  • Expand the reach and coverage of
  • Printing and distribution of key Revcom materials including the Declaration “WE NEED AND WE DEMAND: A WHOLE NEW WAY TO LIVE, A FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEM” and the Proclamation, “WE ARE THE REVCOMS (Revolutionary Communists)