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Uprising In Iran—Week 12:

Mohsen Shekari’s Execution Unleashes Protest and Fury—In Iran and Around the World

Editors’ Note for New Readers: As this update from our volunteer correspondent notes, hundreds of thousands of Iranians, especially women, students, and youth, are continuing to demonstrate remarkable courage, creativity, and growing determination in the face of the Islamic regime’s escalating repression and first execution of a protester, with whole sections of people calling for an end to the regime.

In this context, the orientation of the statement by the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) (CPI-MLM), People of the World: Take up the Cry of Revolution from Iran as Your Own!, is of heightened and decisive importance, and we draw our readers’ attention to it. This was issued for the occasion of the worldwide protests in support of the uprising in Iran on October 22. As the CPI (MLM) has written:

To finally put an end to the seemingly endless suffering of Iran’s people requires a real revolution, made by millions of people and led by a revolutionary vanguard with the aim of overthrowing the Islamic theocratic fascist regime and liberating Iran out of the murderous fabric of the capitalist-imperialist system. This requires a communist revolution and establishing a “New Socialist Republic.”

At this decisive moment, with the Islamic Republic intensifying its murderous campaign to crush the uprising, it is even more critical for growing millions around the world to support the righteous uprising in Iran. At the same time, it is also crucial to oppose imperialist efforts to take advantage of the situation to advance their reactionary agendas, especially that of the U.S., which has caused so much suffering and death in Iran and the Middle East. The U.S. imperialists are not and will never be a force for good in the world! And all calls for U.S.-backed intervention need to be opposed, along with the lackeys of the U.S. like the monarchists and so-called “liberal democrats.”

In this perilous situation, it is also ever more urgent that many, many more people know about, engage, and connect with the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist), which bases itself on the new communism brought forward by BA, and is striving to maximize gains for a truly emancipating revolution out of this mass uprising.

The Ominous and Outrageous Execution of Protester Mohsen Shekari and the Grave Danger of More to Come

On December 8, the fascist theocratic rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran hanged 23-year-old Mohsen Shekari—for protesting! Mohsen is the first protester executed by the regime since the current uprising began 88 days ago.

Mohsen had been working since he’d been in third grade, in a doll shop, then a boutique, and recently in a café. A cellmate said, “Mohsen Shekari loved life—he was waiting for his freedom,” and hoped that his harsh sentence would be reduced.

Mohsen Shekari, protester executed in Iran.


Mohsen Shekari   

But the regime cruelly murdered him after convicting him in a sham trial—he had no legal representation—for the catch-all charge of “enmity against God.” He allegedly attacked a member of the regime’s plainclothes militia Basij thugs, who have been at the forefront of brutal assaults on protests. “This was a political murder, not a judicial sentence,” said Hadi Ghaemi of the Center for Human Rights in Iran.1

Mohsen’s execution came after 11 weeks of a courageous mass uprising that increasingly called for an end to clerical rule, and during a week in which shops, businesses, and traditional bazaars in more than 50 cities took part in a general strike in support of the uprising. It was the largest such strike in decades.

“Usually bustling centers of commerce and malls in small towns and big cities resembled ghost towns. Businesses across the spectrum, from medical practices to butcher shops to supermarkets, closed their doors...,” the New York Times reported.2 In response, regime authorities threatened to revoke the licenses and arrest striking business owners.

The state murder of Mohsen Shekari came on the heels of the annual “Student Day,” December 7. This year it honored the Iranian students who have been playing an active and central role in the uprising, defying the regime’s brutality and the arrest of some 620 of their student compatriots. Students at a number of universities issued a “Joint Statement” marking the day—“Our revolution, the revolution for Woman. Life. Freedom,” declaring “…we have stood in the trenches from the very beginning of our struggle to the present day, strong and united with the revolutionaries of the whole country.”

The Communist Party of Iran (MLM) posted that it was

an unforgettable day. Today, students of different universities and in different cities chanted and fought against the Islamic Republic with fortifications and demonstrations in universities … a day full of struggle and revolutionary enthusiasm by the students…. Teachers and students along with students and workers and unemployed and shopkeepers.... In the streets of many cities.3

(See also “Forward to the Revolutionary Student Movement,” Atash/Fire #133, Journal of the Communist Party of Iran, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)

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As of December 10, there have been some 1,173 reported protests in 160 cities and 143 universities across Iran since Mahsa Amini’s murder on September 16.4

President Raisi: “The Punishment of Protesters Will Continue”

Regime officials praised Mohsen’s murder and called for more—clearly trying to terrorize and intimidate the Iranian people. President Ebrahim Raisi said, “the trial and punishment of the protesters” would continue, and Ahmad Khatami, a Friday prayer leader, praised “the decisiveness of the judiciary, which sent the first rioter to the gallows.”

Right now this regime of lynchers is reportedly poised to execute another protester, 22-year-old Mahan Sadrat Madani. Amnesty International reports there 11 other protesters under a death sentence, and another six, including courageous rapper Toomaj Salehi, who face charges which could result in a death sentence. According to a leaked recording of a meeting of regime officials, at least 80 detained protesters are in danger of being executed.5

Iranian Mahan Sadrat, arrested for protesting, scheduled for execution.


Mahan Sadrat   

Since the uprising began, the Islamic Republic has killed 485 people, including 68 children, and arrested another 18,259.6

Mohsen’s Execution Sparks Outcry Across Iran and the World

Mohsen Shekari’s execution has reportedly shaken and outraged people across Iran—and the world. Immediately after his death a “flood of people on foot and in cars” headed toward the town where he lived. The Writers Association of Iran in Exile and a group of brave political prisoners at Evin Prison issued statements denouncing the killing. There have been protests in front of Evin Prison, including by doctors, against their mistreatment and more executions.7 Nationwide protests by students and others were continuing as of December 10.8 In cities and towns across Iran people continued to take to the streets, chanting “Death to the dictator,” and “For each person you kill, a thousand will rise.”9

Intense protests have continued in Sistan and Baluchestan, after the prominent Sunni cleric Molavi Abdolvahed Rigi was kidnapped on December 8 and his body was found the next day.10

“This is not the time to be silent, our voices need to be louder than ever and wider everywhere, not time to back down, because the Islamic Republic is also testing to see the reaction of the people,” the CPI-MLM posted on Instagram. “If there is retreating and fear, [they] will suppress even more. We must continue to fight consciously but strong and united and loud and wide. Do not leave the Islamic Republic alone and do not give them a break. Protect the lives of prisoners and continue the fight for a real revolution.”11

Urgent Need for Growing International Support

It is extremely urgent to expand and broaden international support for the Iranian people and condemnation of the regime’s wanton violence and murder—especially beyond just the Iranian diaspora.

Recently there have been some important steps on this front. On December 6, a statement in support of the Iranian people was issued for signature by artists and others. It was signed by over 500 people in the first 48 hours, including Roger Waters, Noam Chomsky, Jeff Kaufman and Marcia Ross, Judith Butler, Barbara Kruger, and Willem Dafoe. The statement, International Action Is Urgently Needed to Stop Further State Violence Against the Iranian People, says in part:

We, artists, writers, academics, and cultural practitioners from across disciplines and various countries, support the call of our Iranian colleagues to stand in solidarity with their struggle against the repressive and despotic Islamic state in Iran. We, the undersigned, unreservedly acknowledge and support the courage of all the women, men, and children of Iran in their fight for fundamental human rights and their clearly expressed desire to renew the nation’s social contract.

On December 7—Student Day—#StudentsforStudents solidarity actions were held at some 20 university campuses in the U.S. and at 16 campuses in other countries. And on December 10—International Human Rights Day—there were at least 100 protests around the world condemning the Islamic Republic’s execution of Mohsen, and demanding it halt executions.

Beware Imperialist Powers Fishing in Troubled Waters

As the Iranian people continue to struggle heroically against the fascist theocracy that is the Islamic Republic, the world’s imperialist powers continue to circle Iran and the Middle East like vultures, aggressively seeking ways to advance their predatory and conflicting interests.

Just this week, China and Saudi Arabia signed a new strategic agreement, strengthening Chinese imperialism’s regional position. Russia and Iran are reportedly strengthening their military ties, in relation to the war in Ukraine and beyond. Meanwhile, recent elections have brought extreme right-wing, anti-Iran fanatics to power in Israel. These forces may try to exploit any perceived Islamic Republic vulnerabilities resulting from the current uprising, including potentially striking at its nuclear facilities if talks between Iran and the U.S. break down.

In this perilous moment of escalating inter-imperialist rivalry and the danger of war between them rising, as well as ongoing conflicts between regional powers in the Middle East, the U.S. and its European allies are stepping up their threats and maneuvering. For example, the Biden administration is warning that Iran and Russia are moving toward “full-fledged defense partnership,” which it called a threat to Ukraine as well as U.S. allies in the Middle East (and U.S. domination of the region). And recently a top administration negotiator said Biden is prepared for war to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons if the nuclear negotiations fail.12

The U.S. rulers have also uttered words of support for the protesters in Iran and condemnations of the Islamic Republic’s repression. This does not make the blood-soaked rulers of the U.S. “friends” of the Iranian people. Everyone needs to soberly confront the reality that what the U.S. is doing—on all these fronts—is aimed at one thing: maintaining and strengthening America’s predatory empire of exploitation and oppression, while weakening or outright defeating its rivals—not advancing the interests of the Iranian people or humanity!

The Possible Sidelining of the Morality Police and the Ongoing Battle Against Compulsory Hijab

There continue to be conflicting reports as to whether or not the regime has actually shut down the hated “Morality Police” which has enforced patriarchal, oppressive Islamic fundamentalist dress and behavior codes.13 It was the September 16 murder of Mahsa Amini by these patriarchy pigs that triggered the current uprising, and the growing rage against the regime, especially by millions of Iranian women, and the ongoing protests may well have forced the regime to take this step, perhaps to help quell the protests.

It is also not yet clear exactly what differences may or may not exist within the regime over enforcing its reactionary Islamic fundamentalist strictures.14 However, it is clear that violent misogyny and the enslavement of women remain foundational to the Islamic Republic—a core part of its “DNA.”

Islamic Republic officials have made clear that laws forcing women to cover their hair with a hijab and their bodies with long, loose clothing when in public remain in place, and they may implement “newer, more updated and detailed methods” to enforce reactionary religious strictures on women. For example, a “member of the Islamic Council's Cultural Commission, has threatened women that if the scarves do not return to their heads, they will block the bank accounts of those who do not wear hijab!!”15

In addition, even while the Morality Police have been receding from public view, during the uprising the regime’s Basij militiamen have brutally assaulted and arrested women for defying hijab laws. This has included—according to a new report—targeting women with shotgun blasts to their faces, breasts and genitals!16

One member of Parliament, speaking at a pro-hijab rally in Qom, declared, “We will not retreat from the hijab and chastity policy, otherwise the retreat will be equal to giving up on the whole Islamic Republic. Hijab is our flag and we will not let it fall.” (emphasis added).17

The CPI-MLM sums up:

By broadcasting the news that the morality police will be withdrawn, dissolved, the Islamic Republic wanted to cast doubt on continuing the struggle amongst some sections of people. But some other officials of the Islamic Republic said today that the form of the guidance/morality patrol and the forms of confronting against the violators of (Islamic) covering/veiling [i.e. hijab] will change. On the other hand, some other officials emphasized that the hijab is the red line of the Islamic Republic.

Mandatory hijab is a symbol of the Islamic laws of this regime, and it is important for humiliating, suppressing, and controlling women and the society, and strengthening the forces and foundations of the Islamic Republic in Iranian society and its power and influence in other countries.

The struggle against the compulsory hijab is against this humiliation, coercion, control and suppression of women and society in Iran and has had a wide impact on the people of the region and other countries around the world. This fight against compulsory hijab should be one of the main slogans of the continuation of the current uprising, in order to strengthen our fight against the submission, humiliation and enslavement of women and men. And this fight could serve the real revolution.18



1. Executions in Iran: World Must Respond with Strong Action Against State Killings of Protesters, Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI), December 8; Iran Executes Man Over Nationwide Protests, New York Times, December 8 [back]

2. Strikes Across Iran Lead to Shuttered Shops and Ghost Towns, New York Times, December 6 [back]

3. Joint Statement of Students of Universities on the Occasion of December 7, 1401; Detained University Students Subjected to Sexual Assault, Disappearances, CHRI, December 6; Students play a significant role in nationwide Iranian protests @HRANA_English; CPIMLM on Instagram 16 ‎ذرروزیفراموشنشدنیامروزدانشجویاندانشگاههایمختلفودرشهرهایمختلفباتحصنوتظاهراتدردانشگاههاعلیهجمهوریاسلامیشعاردادهومبارزهن، [back]

4. Iran Protests 2022 – Daily Update, December 10, @HRANA_English [back]

5. Iran: Horrifying execution of young protester exposes authorities’ cruelty and risk of further bloodshed, Amnesty International, December 8; Leaked Audio: 80 Iran Protesters Face Execution On Trumped-Up Charges, Iran International, December 4 [back]

6. Iran Protests 2022 – Daily Update, December 10, @HRANA_English [back]

7. Doctors protest at Evin, @freetoomajnow on Instagram [back]

8. [back]

9. Statement by the Writers' Association of Iran "in exile" on the horrifying murder of Mohsen Shekari; Statement by a group of political prisoners in Evin Prison protesting the execution of Mohsen Shekari; Akbar Rooz - Live... One of the people was executed, Iran is in turmoil; videos [back]

10.;; [back]

11. @cpimlm on Instagram, unofficial translation by [back]

12. Biden Has Agreed To Military Option Against Iran If Diplomacy Fails, Iran International, December 1; Russia and Iran are strengthening their defense partnership, the Biden administration warns, New York Times, December 9; We still need a nuclear deal with Tehran. Protests don’t change that, Washington Post, December 1 [back]

13. On December 5, the New York Times (What Does Disbanding the Morality Police Mean for Iran?) reported that a high level official had confirmed the regime was disbanding the Morality Police. But other sources report that this move has not actually been officially enacted. [back]

14. For instance, this week former President Mohammad Khatami criticized the government’s crackdown and spoke supportively of the protests' call for changes, while making clear his overall loyalty to and support of the Islamic Republic. [back]

15. No hijab no bank account (unofficial translation by, @maosyangarim on Instagram [back]

16. Iranian Forces Target Women Protesters with Shotgun Fire to Faces, Breasts and Genitals, Democracy Now!, December 9 [back]

17. What Does Disbanding the Morality Police Mean for Iran?, New York Times, December 5 [back]

18. @cpimlm on Instagram, unofficial translation by [back]

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From the genocide in Gaza, to the growing threat of world war between nuclear powers, to escalating environmental devastation… the capitalist-imperialist system ruling over us is a horror for billions around the world and is tearing up the fabric of life on earth. Now the all-out battle within the U.S. ruling class, between fascist Republicans and war criminal Democrats, is coming to a head—likely during, or before, the coming elections—ripping society apart unlike anything since the Civil War.

Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, has developed a strategy to prepare for and make revolution. He’s scientifically analyzed that this is a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible, and has laid out the sweeping vision, solid foundation and concrete blueprint for “what comes next,” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

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