Donetsk, Ukraine, November 19, 2021, three months before Russia invaded Ukraine: U.S. embassy delegation led by Army military attaché reviews map with Ukrainian officers who are conducting military operations against pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine. Photo: AP
The War in Ukraine: Dangerous Developments, Imperialist Power Moves, Rank American Hypocrisy
Bob Avakian on Biden, Putin & Xi Jinping: Imperialist Gangsters and the Need for Revolution!
An excerpt from The Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL Show.
From Bob Avakian on Ukraine:
by Bob Avakian
Download PDF: Short Version | Longer Version
Dig Beneath the Surface to Understand Why This War Is Happening
Crisis in Ukraine: Biden and Putin Hold Humanity Hostage, Threaten "Armageddon"—WE NEED REVOLUTION!
The Cuban Missile Crisis: World In The Balance — an excerpt from Bob Avakian's memoir
Presentation by Andy Zee:
War in Ukraine: What is happening?… Why is it happening?… Where do the interests of humanity lie?... AND WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE REVOLUTION HUMANITY SO URGENTLY NEEDS?
Talk by Raymond Lotta:
Piercing the Lies, Digging Beneath the Surface
The Larger Dynamics of the World Imperialist System Driving the War in Ukraine...
And a Lesson from When There Was a Genuinely Socialist Soviet Union
Some Crucial Points on the War in Ukraine
Steps Toward Oblivion: the Threat of Nuclear War
Dangerous Escalation in Ukraine— A conversation between Andy Zee & Lenny Wolff
Mindless Mouthpieces and Shameless Shills for U.S. Capitalism